I am standing on the edge of  life

I spread my broken wings

And flutter.

Unfathomable oceans are ahead of me.

Sunsets and sunrises witnessed my fall

Lofty mountains are yearning for my rise.

Love keeps you from falling,

Into my ear whispered the sky.

I looked into my heart,

His ships of promises were aground

And his sails were torn apart .

I bowed  my head.

Love is more than that,

Said  the blue ocean,

It’s seaman’s love

for the Northern star

that has always taken him home.

It’s shepherd ‘s love

for his gentle lamb

that his fear of wolf

turned  him  into invincible warrior.

Spread your wings

And soar sky-high.

Love has many hands

to catch you when you fall down.

Written by arabian roses

23 thoughts on “My Northern Star

    1. and thank YOU for your warm welcome 🙂 you too ,thank you for being here and please keep coming 🙂 thank you for you beautiful encouraging words as well.

  1. This is wonderful and a breath of fresh air. I stumbled across your blog at a point when I needed to be reminded that “love has many hands to catch you when you fall down.” Sometimes God cleanses away what we no longer need to bring us what our hearts yearn for.

  2. The use of “broken wings” in the poem reminds me of Kahlil Gibran’s book of the same title. I am sure you’ve read the book.

    Lovely poem indeed. I enjoyed it immensely! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

      1. Salam, Siheem. Have you read Spirits Rebelious? If you haven’t, then you should definitely read it. It’s absolutely amazing! Subhanallah! 🙂

        Subhan Zein

          1. In English or in Arabic? I admire you speaking English, Arabic, and French! Subhanallah! 🙂

            Anti dzakiyyah jiddan ya Siheem! 🙂

            I would like to thank you for translating my poem, “Submit and Decide, then..” into Arabic. I really appreciate it. I do agree with you’re saying to say shalawat after the mention of his name, which I did, when I wrote the poem.

            I hope you understand. I just wrote The Prophet’s name in there without the shalawat for efficiency of the poem, because it is a poem, and often it is hard to construct the message while retaining the beauty of the structure. Omission is often inevitable. I mentioned the shalawat when I wrote the poem anyway, despite the written absence, so I hope that would be sufficient.

            That is why I tend to use “The Prophet” in my writings when I refer to the Rasulullah SAW. I think the same case applies to my future works.

            By the way, I will be leaving for Indonesia in two days. I hope I will have the chance tomorrow to revise the story and write some more poems for you to have a look at.


            Subhan Zein

            1. I ‘m looking forward to doing that 🙂 I was sad when you didn’t say anything about my translation in the beginning I thought you’re upset for me adding that modification , I think praising our beloved Muhammed peace upon him is more important than rhyme ,I’m sorry if I made my remark rudely ,i couldn’t stand seeing his name without praise . You’re most welcome ,your blog is amazing people there love and respect you so much and i feel jealouss of that, i wish i have a biiit of that 🙂 by the way your email was blank i think you send it by mistake ,i do that all the time =) i read the story it’s amazing im waiting for more =) salam

              1. Are you sure my email was blank? Please double check. I wrote the email underneath yours. It’s my style 😉

                OK, I’ll send you the poems now. Thank you so much! 🙂

                Subhan Zein

  3. Ma’dziratan jiddan. My bad. My apology. Sihem it is. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    #PS: People also misspelled my name: “Zubhan”, “Subhain”, “Suban”, and countless others. In fact, it inspires me that I’m going to write a story about it. A funny one. Just wait! 🙂

    1. I didn’t misspell your name and I won’t ,actually it’s the most beautiful name i have ever in my life it’s unique .I don’t like people misspelling my name honestly

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