Good night lovely world =)

If you want to make a girl ‘s heart your eternal home
Tell her she  has beautiful soul
Give her tender forehead kisses
And send her goOd night messages
Daisy flowers are sleeping
Butterflies are dreaming
The moon is wispering to naughty stars  “shshhhhhhh”.
It’s time to sleep .         
Close your eyes and sweet dreams
It’s time to sleep .
Close your eyes and sweet dreams.
Written by arabian roses

Unwrap انزع الغطاء

يثحدثون عن النعم المتخفية . وانا اتساءل فقط عن ماهية الازياء التنكرية التي ترتديها . هل هي تختبئ  لسبب ما ?هل هي حقا تختبئ?الكثيريلاحقونها ولكنها لاتتراء لهم  الا بعد سنين من المحاولات و الدروس. ويقولون للنعمة :”اخلعي معطفك وقبعتك و اظهري نفسك.” ولكن  انت فقط  من عليه ان يخلع قناعه هنا في عالم الحظ الطيب.لتزح بالغمامة. يعرف الحب نعمة.  يعرف هذه النعمة المحبوب و غير  المحبوب. ماهي النعم ? انها هبات قسمها الله هي  رموز صغيرة من الحب و لكن كرات ضخمة من الذهب الخالص.عندما تغدق علينا النعم نلاحقها لنجد اننا نملك فقط ادلة تؤدي الى  ادلة  اخرى      . فهي توجد في لاشيء و كل شي .الروح نعمة  تشع نعما  .  و لايستطيع رؤية هذه النعم الا هؤلاء الذين يملكون قلبا  ذو عيون فالتنكر يكون شفافا

وهبت مرة هدية. كانت رمزا جميلا للتقدير.كانت الهدية فكرة لاشكل لها.  لقد كانت همسة في اذني.نمت هديتي على امتداد السنين و جلبت لي هدايا اخرى فاخرى.لم تكن روحي لتطير لو لم تكن هديتي . لم تكن لتسطع كالشمس و النجوم .لولم يكن ذلك لكان قلبي مظلما ,مليئا بالرغبات العديمة الرحمة و الفراغ.تحتوي هديتي على ملهم يوقد نارا في عقلي و عيناي ويغمر نيران الجشع  والرغبة.ويسكب مياه الحياة على قدماي يروي بذلك عطش روحي للحب و العطف.و تتسارع انفاسي كل ما كبرت هديتي لتصبح اكثر حلاوة ونقاء . كانت الكلمات التي قلتها حقيقة والافكار التي كونتها طاهرة في جوهرها قد صيغت في بطن الهدية .  اتحدث عن الهدية كما لو كانت حسية رغم انها كذلك فهي ليست كذلك. تمنح الهدية الغير مغلفة لكل شخص  نعما متنكرة متدثرة باللحم و العظم  . ابحث عن عالم من الحظ الطيب .لا تبحث عن علبة مغلفة بالورق  ولكن بدلا عن ذلك انظر الى الحقيقة  فمن خلالها يمكنك ان نجد الهدية كما يمكن ان تجدها بدونها.ان البصر بعيون مغلقة هي نعمة.ان معرفة الاه نعمة .طلب الروح هو بحث و لكنه ولد داخل الروح .هذه هي الهبةانها  تلك العلبة الغير مغلفة و االكتلة الغير منحوتة التي نراها ضمن النجوم و نسافر الى القمر لنمسك بها .تعيش في الافق و لكن لن تجدها تحت جسر الحقيقة .افتح قلبك و سوف تجد النعمة   .فهي لاتتوارى عن اي شخص. انها موجودة في يدك كل ذلك الوقت.    المصدر: عالم المعرفة


They talk of blessings in disguise. I only wonder what type of costumes they wear. Do they hide for a reason? Do they even hide? Many chase after it; the blessing incognito, only to be witnessed after years of trials and lessons. To the blessing they say; remove your coat and hat; show yourself. But only it is you who should take off your mask here in the sphere of good fortune. Remove the blindfold.

Love knows a blessing, and so do the loved and unloved. Blessings are what? They are gifts graciously parted by the divine; small tokens of love, but large bowls of pure gold. In being blessed we chase the blessing, only to find that we only have clues that lead us to more clues. There is no map. It exists in nothing, and in everything. The spirit is blessing, it returns blessings. Only those with eyes of heart see it. Its disguise is transparent.

I was given a gift once; a lovely token of appreciation. The gift was of formless thought; a whisper in my ear. My gift grew over the years, and brought to me more gifts, and then more. If not for my gift, my spirit would not fly. It would not be brilliant as the sun and stars. If not for this my heart would be dark, full of heartless desire and emptiness.

My gift held muse. It burned hot fires in my mind and eyes. It doused flames of greed and want. It poured waters of life over my feet, quenching my soul with love and compassion. My breath quickened as my gift grew; it became sweet and fresh. The words I spoke were truth. The thoughts I formed were pure in heart, forged in the belly of the gift.

I speak of the gift as though it were tangible. Though it is, it is also not. The unwrapped gift is given to everyone; blessings in disguise; cloaked by flesh and bone.

Seek the sphere of good fortune. Look not for a box wrapped with paper and bows. But see instead the truth. Within, you can find the gift, just as you can without. Sight with closed eyes is a gift. Knowing of God is a blessing. Seeking the spirit is a quest, but one born within the soul. This is the gift; the unwrapped box; the uncarved block. Within the stars we see it. We travel the moons to grasp it.

Over the horizon it lives, but under the bridge of truth you will not find it. Open your heart and you will find the blessing; the gift. It does not hide from anyone. It exists all the while.. in your hand.

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Translated by arabian roses

He’s a thief

He steals  the sea’s  pearls, and the earth’s gold bangles  and  leaves  them   flowers instead . He told me that people kill to grow  gold, but they won’t kill  each other to grow flowers.

He steals  the river’s joyful ripple to heal the  rusty souls.He told me that nothing could rival a song sung by a river infatuated  with life.

He steals all evil thoughts and  cast on them love spells. He told me ,only  magic can wipe them out,the magic of  human touch.

He steals mountain’s highness .He told me it will teach man to never yield.

Written by arabian roses

A restless thunder

The thunder was groaning.

He had bad dreams,

The  gracious sun whispered gently to the summer breeze.

But his groan became appalling.

He’s summoning the wind and the rain,

The clouds yawned.

His beloved’s sighs, kept him restless.

the sun lowered her head graciously,

The earth ‘s pretty face went red , She said.

She soaked a lot of blood last night.

My locks were smoothering  when touching their  flaming  souls,

Added the summer breeze,

Trees were falling apart under their heavy angry foosteps too.

The earth looked up at the sky

and saw a tear in her eyes

the rain was weeping.

And unveiling the beatiful face of earth

Flowers shook their heads and ashen ghosts run away.

From above the thunder  was waiting impatiently

to see his  earth  ‘s beautiful locks glowing under the sun  again.

Written by arabian roses

I’m in love

I’m in love with the wind  that never gets tired of  carrying  my paper  boats .

I’m in love with the moon that sprinkles light in dark paths.

I’m in love with the rain that plays for me music of life when  I feel down.

I’m in love with wild butterflies .They’re angels in disguise.

I’m in love with rainbow that draws  hope everywhere.

I’m in love with my diary that keeps my secrets.

I’m in love in love that makes our tears more precious than diamonds.

Written by arabian roses.

عالم الوحدة / sphere of solitude

الوحدة هي مكان صحي لتربية الروح . ولكن هذا لا يعني ان تكون وحيدا اومنعزلا . ان تنمية او البحث عن عالم للعزلة هو اختيار شخصي كما ان الافكارالتي توضع فيه يجب ان تكون  دقيقة.  يمكن العثور على العزلة  دون ان تضطر الى السفر الى مكان  ناء. احب ان انعزل عن الناس بالذهاب الى  البرية, بالوصول الى قمة صخرة مستدقة او جبل, او بالابحار بالقارب على امتداد نهر  بعيد. فهذه الاماكن تهبني السكينة والإلهام .فالصمت يحكي لي مجلدات و همسات المخلوقات تطفو فوق الرياح
  • ان الهروب على ما اعتقد مهم لتنمية الروح .و في عالم الوحدة يمكنك ان تجد هذا الهروب .يختار البعض المشي في حين يجده البعض الاخر في سياراتهم وذلك بقيادتها لمسافة طويلة. حتى ان البعض يستطيعون ايجاده في غرفة مزدحمة بالناس وذلك بالانغماس في الاستماع الى الموسيقى عبر سماعات يضعونها على الاذنين .ومع ذلك تنضج العزلة فهي تجربة فريدة للفرد. فهذا الملاذ يصبح جزءا من الروح.فهي تصبو ان تكون في ذلك المكان ,ان تحرر نفسها و تتأمل في صيرورة كل شيء . تكون الافكار في هذا المكان اكثرنقاء ودقة فتقل الفوضى التي كانت تثيرها في العقل فلا يعود هناك تصادم بينها وهو امركان يحدث تشوشا وبدلا عن ذلك تتكون الافكاربحرية للتعرف عليها وتسجيلها  .عندئذ يصبح العقل التحليلي حرا لتحليل و وزن الافكار العميقة في حين يصبح العقل  المبدع حرا لرؤية الجمال  . و هكذا تصبح الروح جزءا من هذه العملية غير انها تظل مختبئة في الهاوية لا تعلن عن وجودها الا عند  الانعزال عن الناس .  جد مكانا لحرمك واحرسه جيدا وتعرف على طاقته المقدسة, كما تعرف على عالم الوحدة. قم بزيارته  مرارا وسوف تبدا بالتعرف على نفسك.   المصدر عالم المعرفة.

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Solitude is a healthy place to nurture the spirit. This doesn’t mean to be alone, nor does it imply being lonely. Growing and finding a sphere of solitude is a personal choice, and careful thought should be placed here.

One can find solitude anywhere without having to travel to remote places. I prefer the solitude of the wilderness, reaching the summit of a rock spire or high peak, or canoeing a remote stretch of river. These places offer me both inspiration and serenity. The silence speaks volumes for me, the whisper of creation floating on the wind.

Escape is almost necessary for spirit growth. In a sphere of solitude you can find this escape. Some prefer a long walk, others can find it in their car while taking a long drive. Some can even find it in a crowded room while wearing headphones, indulging in music. However solitude is grown, it is a unique experience for the individual. This place of sanctuary becomes part of the spirit. It yearns to be in this place, to let itself free and ponder the workings of everything.

While in this sphere, thoughts are much more subtle and pure. They reduce their chaos in the mind, no longer crashing together and causing confusion. Instead, they form freely to be recognized and recorded. The analytical mind becomes free to calculate and weigh deep thoughts. The creative mind is free to see beauty and capture muse. The spirit becomes part of this process, though still hidden in the abyss, it oft makes its presence known in the pondering of solitude.

Find your place of sanctuary. Guard it well, and know its sacred energy. Know the sphere of solitude. Visit it often and you will begin to know yourself.

Translated by arabian roses

happy reading 🙂





Dear husband

Dear husband

I’ don’t wear French perfume .I’m an ordinary woman who  loves the scent of dew morning .French perfume might be   stained with a man’s  touch but dew drops are  as pure as your laughter.

I don’t know much about geography  .I’m an ordinary woman ,the only country  I know  is your heart.

They taught me that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west  ,but the sun in my ordinary world never sleeps; it is the sun of my loyalty.

I don’t know the names of  famous paintings . I want your face to be my eternal painting when I close my eyes .

I’m not a queen to offer you diamonds.I’m just an ordinary woman who prays that  days of her life  will be given to you to increase yours.

With love

Written by arabian roses

وأنت تعدّ فطورك

وأنت تعدّ فطورك


‎لا تنس قوت الحمام

وأنت تخوض حروبك فكّر بغيرك

‎لا تنس من يطلبون السلام‎

وأنت تسدّد فاتورة الماء، فكّر بغيرك

‎من يرضعون الغمام

وانت تعود إلى البيت ، بيتك ، فكّر بغيرك

‎لا تنس شعب الخيام

وأنت تنام و تحصي الكواكب ، فكّر بغيرك

‎ثمّة من لم يجد حيّزاً للمنام

وأنت تحرّر نفسك بالاستعارات، فكّر

بغيرك ‏

‎من فقدوا حقّهم في الكلام

وأنت تفكّر بالآخرين البعيدين ، فكّر


‎قل: ليتني شمعةٌ في الظلامْ

محمود درويش

I love cats too

Cats ans islam

The Prophet Muhammad (s) was tender and kind towards cats. He appreciated cats. Muhammad’s (s) favorite cat was called Muezza. There is a well known story regarding the Prophet Muhammad (s) and Muezza.

When the call to prayers was heard, Muezza was asleep on one of the sleeves of the Prophet’s (s) robes. The Prophet (s) wanted to wear the robe to go to prayers. Rather than disturb Muezza, Muhammad (s) cut off the sleeve to leave Muezza in peace. Prophet (s) then stroked the cat three times, which, it is said, granted Muezza seven lives and the ability to land on his feet at all times (as you might know, cats have a self-righting mechanism,a righting reflex, which is a complex series of movements when a cat falls and which protects the cat from breaking her back).

Prophet (s) was so attached to his cat that when he gave sermons he let Muezza rest on his lap and he also drank from water previously drunk by his cat. He also did his ablutions from the same water that was drunk by a cat. He seemed to treat his cat in the same way as cat lovers do today but even cat lovers might think twice about drinking the same water that had been drunk by a cat for fear of transmission of disease from the cat’s saliva (but see below).

Islam teaches Muslims to treat cats well and that the cat is a creature to be cherished and loved. Mistreating a cat is regarded as a severe sin in Islam.


Conquer their souls then teach them

I have been teaching for six years now, and they  are the most enchanting moments in my  life.
As  reaching stars, teaching takes hard work, persistence, imagination and good luck to touch the souls and minds of students.
I believe that you have to touch their soul so that they give in their minds . Be a teacher in disguise.You can wear a hat  of  a friend ,or an elder brother or  sister . Students  are not a backet to fill in . You’re not a walking encyclopedia either .They are unfinished paintings and you have to be careful when picking  your colored pencils for fear  you end up with a hideous  living  painting.
Here are some of  the tips that  may help you to maintain a goOd relationship with your students:
a- Fair play .
At your first meeting with your students,make a pact with them ,in other words tell them the things that you do not love to happen in your classroom,and make sure to tell them  the reasons. At the age of 15 and 16 , students hate taking orders ,they’re rebellious  and they will break them to prove they are independent.That’s why when putting your rules you must tell them they do exist  for their benefits.   Then show readiness to listen to the things that they do not  love you  doing them ,things that will create a tense atmosphere that might cripple learning process  . I do that every year ,at every first meeting with my new students .It’s an opportunity to show them you do care and you want their best and them doing their best .
Among the things that  most students hate are:
*Verbal abuse
*Teachers who doe not return their greeting.
*Teachers  who punish them for the slightest mistake they do.
*teachers  who humiliate them when asking  them to explain things again.
b- Learn your students ‘ names
Never ever use  that cold anonymous “you “when calling your student .Use his/her name instead .Our names are part of us .They are our identity.They are what set us apart from another person .  Not remembering his /her name means he /she is not worthy  your attention . I hate it when my close friend mispells my name ,and that ‘s what a teacher should be ;a close friend who never forgets his/her students names.Some students have so beautiful names,let them  know that too.
c-Do apologize
It is hard to say  I am sorry sometimes ,because  teachers do not tolerate mistakes,we love perfection. But Asking forgiveness when you messed it  up will teach  your  students  a good lesson that even if you have the upper hand you must apologize and take consequences of your actions.”No one is perfect in this imperefect world”, and they will enlighten your day with an amazing smile.
d- Wish them happy birthday                
 If attending your  class coincides with one of your student’ s birthday,wish him/her happy birthday.One sentence of love , one  minute  of your time might make a difference in the life of a person.Birth day wishes is our way to show our gratitude for a person for  being  in our  life.
e- Say thank you
 When your class is over,thank  your students  .They will thank you in return with a big smile in  their eyes.Thanking them means you enjoyed being with them and teaching them .They would love that. 
Written by arabian roses
Happy reading 🙂

Music box

I took my colored pencils to draw you but their colors melted away under the warmth of your heart.

When a treasure chest for your love poems I made the sea , his heavenly waves shunned him.

I hunt  all bird songs to make for you a music box  but their songs were tuneless  being bewitched with the charm of your voice.

Rainbow was praying for rain to rekindle his fading colors.

The seven seas  wolfed my love letter in bottle I wrote you  to soothe  the envious waves.

Jealous  sea can wash away your name from his sandy forehead.

From your drawings, rainbow can steal colors.

But the warm hymn you whisper to  world’s heart  is invincible , because it’s a hymn of a man of honor.

Written by arabian roses

Wearing hijab is my most beautiful gift from Allah

Hijab  is  muslimah’s crown. But for decades woman in Tunisia has been discrowned. ”The jewel of the sea, the pearl, has been given a very tough and rugged Hijab – oyster shell. It protects it from sea animals and keeps it sparkling and shining inside. Our body is sacred. You’re far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.”  But to not be denied   her right to education , work ,and freedom ,Tunisian woman was forced  to give in her crown, her hijab.  Some women were even arrested and  forced to sign a commitment to not wear hijab.

I still remember when at university , that man with ashen face standing at the gate of university ,a cardboard  box in his hand ,urging every girl wearing hijab to remove it and put it  there.
Wearing hijab  was a dream that  Tunisian woman was yearning to be a truth. She proved to be a person full of potentials.She handled many responsibilities as a doctor,teacher,pilot, and journalist .She is a devoting mother, loving wife and inspiring woman, and she wanted to be Allah ‘s loyal servant too.She did everything in her way to gain back her crown  ,the crown that Allah entrusted her with, in the hope that one day she can be that queen she is born to be .Some wore wigs .Others pretend to have flu but the weather-beaten cardboard box was always  there.
I was a coward , I didn’t dare to wear Hijab,because some humiliations were  beyond endurence for a woman.The only time I wear hijab was when praying.Actually it was the case of most Tunisian women.I used to take my mother’s head scarves,  stand  in front of my mirror and try them.I was dying to wear it.Muslimah is incomplete without her crown.
Now after  the 17 th December  revolution , Tunisian woman restored her religious freedom.Wearing Hijab is not a far-fetched  reality anymore .Set free by the wind of revolution ,I started wearing hijab.   I remember that day as if  it was yesterday.I was in my room reciting Quoran .I stopped for a moment wondering; what’s the point of reciting Quran if I’m still uncovering my hair. I kissed the book  then put it  aside gently .I went to talk to my mother who was in the dinning room knitting .I told her that I took my decision to wear hijab.She was so happy to hear that .She reminded me that I should never take it off  once I wore it.It’s sacred.
The next day I went shopping .I bought  new wonderful head scarves .I was happy when I went to work wearing my hijab.I was on the nine cloud .I still need to work on myself to be a good muslimah  .I have many flaws ;stupid ones, and wearing hijab was a good start
Thanks for those brave men and courageous women who made my dream and the dream of many Tunisian women to wear hijab become a sweet reality.

A true muslim is a token of purity; body and soul.

Western Media has never been a great fan of  Muslims, always twisting truth,and improvising  bed time stories , far-fetched ones in which , it’s the Muslim who has always  to wear the hat of  the evil in all its shapes  ; that of   killer,that of  rapist,  that of terrorist,and that of  illiterate .
Another story  that breaks my heart is whenever the picture of a muslim is evoked  in a movie ,it’s always  painted in dark colours.He is dirty,filthy.He  appears in shabby clothes and unwashed hair as if he was just digged out of oblivion .
             *A true muslim is a token of purity; body and soul
The other day, while flipping through internet pages ,my eyes fell on a catchy  comment stating that  a Muslim doesn’t know anything about his body. I smiled at the silliness of the speaker .If so, where do all these Muslim populations come from,may be Saint clause factory toy?!
I want to tell anyone who has even the slightest belief that muslims don’t know their bodies ,that they’re  mistaken.We do know our body ,every inch of it,and the function of each piece of it.We appreciate it and tend it like a flower and  Allah and his prophet Mohammed peace upon him  , teach  us a lot on that and warn us against abusing it.This  explains why taking care of personal hygiene is one of the pillars of a muslim’s faith.
A muslim  must Clean his   dress ,his  home  and his  body is number one priority.
The rituals of body purity  ranges from cleaning his teeth ,nostrils,trimming of nails and removing armpit and pubic hair
When  a Muslim woman has her period ,making love  is prohibited,  because sex during menstruation results in severe illnesses .
A woman is also exempted from fasting , prayingand reciting Quoran.Cleanliness is a must after making love,and a  muslim is considered to be diry till he/ she cleans her body.
Another facet of knowing our body is that we respect its needs and fabric and there are lot about that in Quoran ,we clean our body 5 times a day  and this is known as woduh, it’s muslim daily rituals of cleaning his body before starting prayer.
 A muslim starts  with saying :”in the name of allah the mecyfull the faithfull”
-1: wash your hands to the wrist x3.
-2:Wash your mouth x3.
-3:Wash your nose x3.
-4: Wash your face x3.
-5:Wash your arms to the funny bone x3.
-6:wipe your hair with a lil bit of water.
7:wash your ears from inside and outside x3.
8:your feet x3 then you ready to start prayer.
  Taking care of our body is very important in our life as muslims and hurting it is a sin;it’s a gift from Allah and we have to treasure it.
Written by arabian roses
Happy reading 🙂

The finite

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; the simple phrase that anyone can relate to the ultimate end of one’s physical body. In a world where children, young men and women across the world have seen so much of death in such a short period of time, many of us still fear it. It is the great unknown. The sphere of departure.

Death is the natural guarantee of life. It is the complement of birth; one cannot exist without the other. It is also the only other part of life that simply just happens. You cannot know when you are born, or how death will happen upon you. Perhaps the spirit is well aware of both, but.. that is another sphere.

If you’ve ever witnessed anyone depart this world, or have been in their presence during their final hours, you know firsthand the totality of the sphere of departure. It is a moment that cannot be adequately described with simple words. It is a feeling of tremendous sadness and pain, but also contains love and heartfelt compassion. Witnessing death is witnessing the fabric of the paradox, the heart of Tantra.

Death can happen with sharpness and ferocity, or it can be slow and painful. It can just as well be peaceful and painless. It is different for everyone. If only we were to have the option, I’m sure that many would select the later.

I recently witnessed my Grandfather pass. His health had been failing for the past 7 years, and ultimately took a turn for the worse. My family has been spread far apart across North America for many years, though in the final days of my Grandfather’s life we all returned home; a true testament to the love that he showed us during all of his years.

We all sat, stood or knelt on the floor of the cramped hospital room at one time or another. We came and went in shifts throughout the day, hoping he’d be awake, trying to spend as much time as possible with him. We all knew the end was a short time away, as did he.

In the end, he was transported home, as was his wish. He wished only to die in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by his family. We all gathered and waited, slowly saying I Love you and Goodbye, one person at a time in their own fashion.

As a person’s life slowly starts to fade, the color of the body begins to darken, no longer vibrant or pulsing with life. Breathing and coherence start to mute, and strange things start to happen. We all witnessed these things, as a family. And as the last burst of energy left my Grandfather’s body, the room filled with a sadness that cannot be described.

He died with grace and dignity, a feat that I was lucky to have witnessed. In full acceptance of his fate, not knowing the minute or the hour that it would transpire, he was in loving care and completely lucid of his retirement. No longer in fear, but only in complete arms of faith. I can only hope to meet death with the same solid heart and sound mind as he.

The sphere of departure has been a great mystery to all humans. It is a time for passing, for crossing over; for the end of the physical body. Though, I truly believe it is not the end. It is the beginning of something all the more wonderful and amazing.

Perhaps our souls are just children in this world, learning, growing until the time is right for the next lesson. We’ll all know one day, maybe.

Written by Knowthesphere

for more intersting articles visit

Happy reading 🙂

Story of a raven written by dev!l

I slowly lifted myself from the sack of hay. It was morning and as I looked around nothing seemed familiar, everything was vague. Where am I? What am I doing here? What happened to my army? Questions popped into my head all of a sudden after seeing nothing but lush green fields all around me completely surrounded by mountains. The last thing I remembered was the scene of me fighting an enemy soldier when my foot slipped and I fell into the river. I took another glance at my surroundings. It was for the first time that I was looking at nature so closely and leisurely. After such a long time I felt the wind blow against my skin. The fields looked so peaceful, the trees bore fruits.

“Hello stranger, finally you woke up.” I looked around and saw a man standing behind me, it was also for the first time in my life that someone had came up behind me without me noticing.

My addresser was a simple village peasant but his face showed no signs of worries or sadness. He seemed happy. “Hi” I finally muttered, staring at him.

“I found you unconscious by the bank of the river so I brought you here and dressed your wounds. By your suit you seem like an army man to me.” He said to me cheerfully.

“Oh yea, I am. I am a Raven in his majestic army” I replied and expected the villager to back away in fear, it was a common response to our battalion for we were the most brutal and skilled warriors in all the land. Children from all over the kingdom were selected at their birth by mages and then trained in only one art, “The art to kill” but the villager just smiled back and said, “Well you are not far from your camp, you can take the road to the north east and you will reach it in half a day. You are most welcome to stay with us if you want till you regain your health and will to fight again.”

I was baffled by this simpleton; did he not know who he was talking to? Did he not know that I was an assassin? That the only purpose of my life was to serve the king? That my only emotion was hatred? His generosity impressed me. It was the first time that someone had not been scared of me and was still talking to me for more then 5 minutes. I slowly stretched my lips and gave him what of a smile I could manage. “Thank you, stranger.”


“For saving me and being kind to me.” I replied and stared into his love filled eyes.

“It’s called humanity, I am sure you would have done the same for me.” He smiled back at me.

I just shook my head while taking another glance at the peaceful land around me. The panorama was magnificent. The cattle grazed and the farmers worked as if they didn’t care what was happening all around them. All they cared for was their farms, they were not afraid neither of a cold blooded assassin like me nor of the war happening a few hundred meters from them. “Are you not afraid?” I finally asked the question which confused me.

“Of?” he said as he gave a bottle of water to me.

“Of me, of the war, of your future.” I took a small sip from the bottle and handed it back to the farmer.

“Death will come when it has to, you are only a human. So am I. I only fear the one who created you, who created all of this beautiful and bountiful land. I only fear God. And even if you kill me right now I would gladly accept my death for I know that God will give me paradise as He promised me.”

I don’t know why but his words had an effect on me. Small drops of water came to my eyes. I touched my eye with my index finger and collected some of them on my finger. I was staring at them in amazement when he spoke again.

“You don’t believe in God, do you?”

“No, I was taught only to kill, hate and obey. I am in shorter words the perfect assassin and the perfect soldier. I only live to kill; it’s too late to believe in him now.” I spoke as tears wet my face.

“It’s never too late; if you regret what you have done then surely He will forgive you.”

“But I have killed the innocent, I have never prayed.”

“So what? You protect the innocents too and He is the most merciful.”

I just smiled at him again. Mercy, another word, whose meaning always eluded me. He somehow sensed my dilemma and slowly spoke again. “It’s a long walk to your camp, Raven. You will have ample time to think about what I have said.”

I nodded and slowly started walking in the direction he showed to me. He was right in that walk I did think a lot and finally came to a conclusion. Unfortunately, just as I reached the camp the enemy ambushed the camp. And as I fought for my and the life of my comrades I kept thinking of ways to redeem myself of all the innocent blood I have shed. Of all the tears I have given to people. Just as I raised my sword to kill another one who was trying to enslave my people an arrow came and pierced my arm. My opponent snatched the sword from my hand and slit my throat. Everything became black. Far away at a distance I saw a light, a man was standing there. “Come into the light, son.” He spoke in a soft loving voice. It was the second time someone spoke so lovingly to me. I slowly made my way towards the light. As I got nearer to the light a beautiful place started to dawn itself on me. It was more beautiful then anything I have ever seen, “What a beautiful sight” I exclaimed. I wished I could stay in that moment forever. And somehow, somewhere, someone heard me and granted me that wish.

“Welcome to your new home, son. Your sorrow was enough to grant you an eternal place in paradise. Enjoy and be merry.” A voice spoke to me. I just let out a smile and felt the cool, calming and happy breeze blow my hair.


for  more captivating stories visit

A mooody post


Tomorrow comes another day; happy with us, to give us joy.
Plant life with expectations, love and hope wherever we go.
Tomorrow, days will bring us together in goodness and peace.
Oh, World! Together, together , together we’ll colour the universe with our songs.
Who says we can’t change the face of the world today?
What do you say we erase darkness with the colours of the morning.
Believe! At all the crossroads, the roads will smile for us;
And no one, no one, will pass like a cloud in this life.
Whenever a morning gifts us with a rose, sun and a song;
Whenever an eagle finds us at the tops of mountains;
Dreams talking to us, a laughter calling for us.
Oh, World! Together, together, together we’ll change the universe with our wishes.
Who says we can’t be the weapon for Conscience?
To protect the lair of freedom, and guard its door?
Believe! At all the crossroads, the roads will smile for us;
And no one, no one, will pass like a cloud in this life.

Who says we can’t change the face of the world today?
What do you say we erase darkness with the colours of the morning.
Believe! At all the crossroads, the roads will smile for us;
And no one, no one, will pass like a cloud in this life
Ref. We are the voice of goodness; we are the sun of the days.
We are a new day; we are a banner for peace.
We are the flute of love and the soul of music.
We are a thousand and one nights from the East of dreams.
Tomorrow, the wings of love await us.
Tomorrow will be better with us together.
Open the doors for light, the night of sorrow will fade.
Ref. We are the voice of goodness; we are the sun of the days.
We are a new day; we are a banner for peace.
We are the flute of love and the soul of music.
We are a thousand and one nights from the East of dreams.
Ref. We are the voice of goodness; we are the sun of the days.
We are a new day; we are a banner for peace.
We are the flute of love and the soul of music.

We are a thousand and one nights from the East of dreams.
Tomorrow, the wings of love await us.
Tomorrow will be better with us together.
Open the doors for light, the night of sorrow will fade.

저 달빛 아래 너와 나  이토록 가까운데
在那明月下 我和你 隔离是多麼近
Under that bright moon, you and I, are separated by so little
손에 닿을 듯  눈에 보일 듯  더 아련한데
像要接触到你时 你的目光回转 那朦胧的回忆
When I almost touch you, your gaze turns towards that hazy memory
나 얼마나 더 살아야   널 다시 불러볼까
如能活下去 可以不可以再次呼唤你
If I live on, can I call on you again?
목이 메일 듯  숨이 멎을 듯  널 불러본다
难以发出声音 呼吸快要停止 尝试去呼唤你
It’s hard to make a sound, my breathing will stop, I continue trying to call to you

널 안고 바람이 불어온다   내 마음 씻어간다
你像被风抱拥般来 心像暮色般消失
It’s as if the wind has carried you here, fleeting like the twilight
어린 날에 꾸었던 소녀의 꿈처럼 따듯한

像年幼时梦见 像少女的梦似的 温暖的风
Like a dream of childhood, like a young girl’s dream, this warm wind
널 안고 달려간다  하늘 끝까지 간다
Confidently, you lift your head to walk to the ends of the world.

이미 지나가버린 어린 날 꿈처럼 아득한
像已过去 年幼的梦一般 相隔在远方
It’s already passed by, this youthful dream, and we are far from one another
또 기다림이 머물러  기나긴 밤을 새워
那不再等待的决心 使你彻夜不眠
The decision to stop waiting, keeps you awake at nights
너를 그리다  너를 그리다  또 짙은 어둠

In the dark of night, you continue to paint

널 안고 바람이 불어온다  내 마음 씻어간다
你像被风抱拥般来 心像暮色般消失
It’s as if the wind has carried you here, fleeting like the twilight
어린 날에 꾸었던 소녀의 꿈처럼 따듯한
像年幼时梦见 像少女的梦似的 温暖的风
Like a dream of childhood, like a young girl’s dream, this warm wind
널 안고 달려간다  하늘 끝까지 간다
Confidently, you lift your head to walk to the ends of the world

이미 지나가버린 어린 날 꿈처럼 아득한

像已过去 年幼的梦一般 相隔在远方
It’s already passed by, this youthful dream, and we are far from one another
언제나 처럼 또 올 것처럼 넌 그렇게 살다가
像往常一样的 探访你像风那样的生活
Life goes on as usual, seeking for you when you live like the wind
내 맘처럼  저 바람처럼
我的心 像那个风似的
My heart, is like that wind

넌 그대로 와   난 너에게 가   너를 안아
你身边只有我 我身边只有你 想以这个方法来拥抱
I am the only one at your side, you are the only one at mine, I wanted to use this to embrace you
바람이 불어온다 내 마음 씻어간다

My heart is being gently cleansed by the passing wind
푸른 언덕 위에서 세상을 비추는 빛으로
你在那个蓝色的山上 发出照亮世界的光
On that blue mountain, you shine to illuminate the world
널 안고 달려간다  하늘 끝까지 간다
Confidently, you lift your head to walk to the ends of the world

깊은 어둠 속에서 내 맘을 비추는 소리로
在深夜中 照亮我的心斐
In the dark night, shine on my fluttering heart
나 나라라라  나나 라라라
나나 라라라  나 라라라  나나나
Na nararara… etc, you get the point.

달파란 하늘 아래  네 이름 불러본다
在晈洁的明月下 呼唤你的名字

Under the limpid moonlight, I call out your name
어딜가나 주었던 그 따뜻함으로 가득한
不论走到哪里 都感到风中充满对你的思念
Wherever you go, remember to feel the wind’s longing.

source( seveness)

happy reading 🙂

“Mohamed ” a poem by Mahmoud Darwish


Mahmoud Darwish (Arabic: محمود درويش‎) (13 March 1941 – 9 August 2008) was a Palestinian poet and author who won numerous awards for his literary output and was regarded as the Palestinian national poet.In his work, Palestine became a metaphor for the loss of Eden, birth and resurrection, and the anguish of dispossession and exile.



nestles in the bosom of his father, a bird afraid
of the infernal sky: father protect me
from the upward flight! My wing is
slight for the wind … and the light is black

wants to return home, with no
bicycle … or new shirt
yearns for the school bench …
the notebook of grammar and conjugation, take me
to our home, father, to prepare for my lessons
to continue being, little by little …
on the seashore, under the palms …
and nothing further, nothing further

faces an army, with no stone or shrapnel
of stars, does not notice the wall to write: my freedom
will not die, for he has no freedom yet
to defend. No perspective for the dove of Pablo
Picasso. He continues to be born, continues
to be born in a name bearing him the curse of the name. How
many times will his self give birth to a child
with no home … with no time for childhood?
Where will he dream if the dream would come …
and land is a wound … and a temple?

sees his inescapable death approaching. But then
remembers, a leopard he has seen on the tv screen,
a fierce one besieging a suckling fawn. When it
came near and smelt the milk, it would not pounce.
As if the milk tames the wild beast.
Hence, I will survive – says the boy –
and weeps: for my life is there hidden
in my mother’s chest. I will survive … and witness

a destitute angel, within a stone’s throw from
the gun of his cold blooded hunter. For
an hour the camera traces the movements of the boy
who is merging with his shadow:
his face, clear, like dawn
his heart, clear, like an apple
his ten fingers, clear, like candles
the dew clear on his trousers …
His hunter could have reflected
twice, and say: I will spare him till when he spells
his Palestine without mistakes …
I will spare him now subject to my conscience
and kill him the day he rebels!

an infant Jesus, sleeps and dreams in
the heart of an icon
made of copper
an olive branch
and the soul of a people renewed

blood beyond the need of the prophets
for what they seek, so ascend
to the Ultimate Tree
Mohamed !

(October 2000)

(*) Translation of 20/11/2000. All rights reserved.

Why do women cry?

Why Do Women Cry
“Why are you crying?”, a young boy asked his Mom.

“Because I’m a woman,” she told him. “I don’t understand,” he said.

His Mom just hugged him and said, “And you never will, but that’s O.K.”… Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does Mom seem to cry for no reason?”. “All women cry for no reason,” was all his Dad could say… The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he put in a call to God and when God got back to him, he asked “God, why do women cry so easily?”

GOD answered…

When I made woman, I decided she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet, made her arms gentle enough to give comfort…I gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times will come even from her own children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going and take care of her family and friends, even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without complaining…I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances. Even when her child has hurt her badly…

She has the very special power to make a child’s boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenager’s anxieties and fears…I gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults and I fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart…I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

For all of this hard work, I also gave her a tear to shed. It is hers to use whenever needed and it is her only weakness.

When you see her cry, tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good.

Dog Tale written by dev!l

He was just another stray dog, never knew where he belonged or where he came from. All he ever sought all his life was a home, someone to love him and care for him and he thought he found it in her. She was unlike any human he had ever seen before in his life. He followed her home just because he saw what he wished. At first she like every other girl was delighted with the knowledge of a lost puppy following her home. She took care of him, fed him and gave him somewhat of a shelter in a broken wooden box. But he didn’t mind, he was finally somewhere he belonged. Someone for once wanted him in life.

As time flew by, the new puppy which was a delight slowly started to become a burden. The smile she used to have when she fed him slowly vanished. Clearly she was had started to feel jaded but she was to reluctant to admit it. Their play time soon vanished and was replaced with random practical jokes she played on him but he still didn’t care. For he knew the person who took him in was still in her somewhere. With time her jokes started to get crueler and her attention slowly shifted into her own life.

As time flew by, the new puppy which was a delight slowly started to become a burden. The smile she used to have when she fed him slowly vanished. Clearly she was had started to feel jaded but she was to reluctant to admit it. Their play time soon vanished and was replaced with random practical jokes she played on him but he still didn’t care. For he knew the person who took him in was still in her somewhere. With time her jokes started to get crueler and her attention slowly shifted into her own life.

It had been years since she had actually sat next to him, patted him or hugged him. He still sat in the remains of what seemed to be the ruins of once a wooden box, more shattered than before he still didn’t care. He still wanted to remain by her side and protect her. As he stared at her, his left paw ached again. He stared at the scar of one of her practical jokes and howled in pain as it still hadn’t healed.

“Stupid dog, would you just shut up! Mum was right, should had gotten a parrot or something.”

He put her head under his paws and silently whined. Perhaps it was time for him to search for a new home or just go wandering in the streets like his childhood… He tried getting up but something was pressing him down. It was then he understood that she wasn’t someone he wanted… she had become someone he needed, she had become his obsession and now that obsession had taken over his body. He no longer was the master of his own will.

It was just another sunny day when it happened… He was out on his daily allowed walks when a car ran him over. The pain was unbearable, he knew his time had come but he didn’t want to die just yet. He wanted to see her once before he died. He tried getting up but couldn’t, the world around him slowly grew darker.

“It’s very difficult that he would survive, I would suggest that you make it easy on him and allow us to kill him.”

“Sure, go ahead. I won’t have to clean up the mess would I?”

“No, no… You’re going?”

“Yea, why?”

“Well most owners stay for the final moments…”

“Yea I would like to but I have a job that I have to attend to. I’ll pay the receptionist on the way out, don’t worry doctor.”

He slowly opened his eyes for the last time as he heard her voice but it was too late, she had gone. As the doctor stood over him with an injection of poison, he stared at the door thinking that she might come back… His world slowly grew darker once again, he looked up at his killer and in his eyes he saw something he had missed for years… There was compassion and sympathy in the vet’s eyes. He slowly howled for the last time and closed his eyes forever.

This beautiful piece was written by dev!l

Is your name Mohammed?

-Gender: boy
-Origin: Arabic
-Meaning: Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632); Messenger of Allah who preached the faith of Islam.The name is also transliterated as Mohammad (primarily in Iran and Afghanistan), Muhammad (in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India), Muhammed (Arab World, primarily in North Africa), Mohamed, Mohammed and Mohamad (Arab World), Muhammad (Arab World), Muhammed, Muhamed (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Muhammed, Muhamed, Muhammet, or Muhamet (Turkey and Albania).



Next life …

Even if the sad fate’s shadow covers me

I can’t get rid of myself who loved you

The person whom I feel like I can catch if I close both of my eyes

The person whom I can feel even if I can’t see

The relationship that we established while  alive

Can I have it even after death?

My lingering feeling that loved you

My dreams to start over

I don’t even have heart to feel more pain

In this life ,next life,even if I can meet you………………….

A note to Mr Extremist !

Whenever I feel down,and I need a trustworthy friend to talk to ,a friend who won’t laugh at my funny crying face,a friend who won’t make me feel small for being vulnerable ,hopeless and hapless ;I take my prayer rag ,face the Kaaba ‘above which Allah ‘s throne is located, kneel on my knees and talk to him ;my Allah ,your Allah.

He’s our creator ,he give us life,  sight ,hearing ,taste ,besides priceless gifts.He brought us to life and light .We were born  to savour   all beauty of life, to feel the velvet touch of hope in a flower ,in a tree leaf ,in a rose petal  or in a butterfly caress .He created me ,and he’s  the one ,the only one who has to judge me, to punish me .He ‘s the fountain of all these blessings and I  owe him  ; I don’t owe  you anything.

Islam is a religion of tolerance not oppression.That you wear a veil or grow a beard, doesn’t give you the right to judge people .That doesn’t make of you superior to them or  better than them either. The Messenger of Allah (swt) said, ‘Allah (swt) does not look at your figures nor at your attire but He looks at your Hearts and accomplishments’ [Muslim]

Allah put the rules down in his holy book ,and he clarified the Reward of following them as well as the punishment of breaking them .People do things when they’re convinced to .You can’t force them to do things by power .If you want people follow you  ,try to set a role model for them not by growing a beard or hiding behind a veil  , or by pointing a gun to them .You can win them over  by being a true muslim, and by praying ,for  those who you think are lost, to find their way .Allah asked us to be kind to non-muslim.What if that man or woman was a muslim?  “Allah forbids you not, With regard to those who Fight you not for (your) Faith Nor drive you out Of your homes, From dealing kindly and justly With them: For Allah loveth Those who are just.  (The Noble Quran, 60:8)

Allah put faith in your heart to enlighten the bridge for those who can’t find theirs to cross it to safety. Yu’re Allah’s light on earth not whip. Do remember that Abdullah b. Amr b. al-’As reported that he heard Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily, the hearts of all the sons of Adam are between the two fingers out of the fingers of the Compassionate Lord as one heart. He turns that to any (direction) He likes. Then ‘ Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: 0 Allah, the Turner of the hearts, turn our hearts to Thine obedience.

Written bu arabian roses

Give your mind a special treat !

1-If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?

2-If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?

3-If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it?

4-What nocturnal animal would you be if you had to choose and why?

5-Why are we asking each other these questions now?

6-Do they have the word “dictionary” in the dictionary?

7-If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

8-What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

9-Would you break the law to save a loved one?

10-If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

11-How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

12-What are you most grateful for?

13-If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie what would you want?

14-What are the flowers that you believe describe your personality and how?

15-If you were any particular geometric shape what would it be?

16-Do you believe in the afterlife?

17-What is the one thing that you would want your children to learn about life?

18-If you were an activist what would want to protest against?

We can’t shake hands but you can say hi !

 Whenever  you appear online facebook,or msn,and there are  friends on the other side online  ,greet them,because they can see you too .Like gifts ,greeting   brings warmth to a friend’s heart.Greeting  is cheap ,it wouldn’t cost you  a penny ,on the contrary you will gain a lot;your friends’ admiration  and respect.

Even  if you’re in a hurry ,and you just log in to check your emails ,  you can stop what you’re doing  for a  minute and say  “hi” ,and to spare yourself  a long conversation ,use the following expression ‘I just wanted to say hi”,he/she will get the hint.


What if  you’re busy talking to a friend , and another one appears  on the stage? Well, don’t say ” Im busy ” because it’ looks like you’re avoiding him /her for one reason or another , that’s why  you ‘d better say” I’ m sorry I’ m taking to a friend , I  can’t talk to you right now ,may be another time or I will be with you in few minutes.Make sure you use the sweetest words to not offend him/her.Most importantly,never make a fool of your friend by telling him/her ” I need to make a phone call  ,be right back,or you have a phone call to take ” then never show up for the whole day while he/she is waiting for godot .


It’s virtual,but people in it are flesh and blood and when they come to virtual they carry with them the same feelings ,attitudes perceptions and reactions they have in real life. We feel sad and confused when a friend appeared online but  ignores us or  doesn’t ruturn our greeting ,in the same way we get hurt when  we come cross  a  close  friend in the shopping centre and passes  by without saying hi.I f you don’t feel like talking to someone on your friend list just be fair to him/her and delete him/her .



I sort of think that GREETING has a vital  part to play in human relationships,and animal as well;ants for example , greet each others when they meet.It’s a gesture of communication.It’s our genuine way to  make our presence known  to each other, and to show attention either through a wide smile,simple kiss,a hand shake or a hug and in virtual we can do all  this thanks to emoticons .


power of greeting

-It feels really good to know that although your friends were busy they stopped to say hi.It matters you are there.

 -Muslims all over the world use the Islamic form of greeting, “Assalamu alaikum”, which means peace be to you. Thus, when two Muslims meet who are total strangers to each other, the moment they use this greeting, they immediately feel that they have common grounds, even when they do not speak each other’s languages.

 The rule in Islam is that when we are offered a greeting, we return it with a better one, or with its equal at least. God orders in the Qur’an:

“When a greeting is offered you, answer it with an even better greeting, or (at least) with its like. God keeps count of all things.”
[Surah an-Nur; 4: 86]

Greeting in English


  1. Hello!
  2. How are you?
  3. How are you doing?
  4. How is everything?
  5. How’s everything going?
  6. How have you been keeping?
  7. I trust that everything is well.

General greetings (Informal)

  1. Hi.
  2. What’s up?
  3. Good to see you.
  4. How are things (with you)?
  5. How’s it going?
  6. How’s life been treating you?

Greeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time (Formal)

  1. It has been a long time.
  2. It’s been too long.
  3. What have you been up to all these years?
  4. It’s always a pleasure to see you.
  5. How long has it been?
  6. I’m so happy to see you again.

Greeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time (Informal)

  • How come I never see you?
  • It’s been such a long time.



Qur’an is the seal of holy books

“Qur’an” is a  holy book.It’s a God-given gift to children of Adam and Eve to lighten up  their path full of thorns sprinkled by saitn.Prophet Muhammad blessings of Allah be upon him and his progeny , is the seal of prophets and so is his miracle “Qur’an”.
Qu’ran is sent to all mankind not just  the Arabs.”O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other.  Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.  And Allah has full knowledge and is well-acquainted.  (The Noble Quran, 49:13)”
Since  it  is God’s divine words,it’s prohibited to touch ,carry ,or recite Qur’an  if  one’s  body is not pure.One  must make wudu before reading it . And when reading  Qur’an, a muslim must put it on his/her laps or on something in front of him ,not on the floor out of reverence.
Reading Qur’an is blessing
-Qur’an is  Muslim ‘s intercesor.
-Your  status  in heaven is determined by the amount of Qur’an you memorize .
-There are ten rewards for one single letter you recite from Qur’an.
-Allah loves you most.
-It’s a remedy for physical and psychological illnesses as well.

Islam and christianity

*As muslim women, Christians are required to wear a veil or hijab
open the Bible to the First Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 11. Read verses 3-10.
“But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered, disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. For if a woman is not covered, let her be shaven. But if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her cover her head. A man indeed ought not to cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man. For man was not created for woman, but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head, because of the angels.”
*Like in islam, Adultery and fornication are punished by death
f a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death?the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)
*polygamy is not  prohibited in christianity tooDeuteronomy 21:15-16
If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons but the firstborn is the son of the wife he does not love, when he wills his property to his sons, he must not give the rights of the firstborn to the son of the wife he loves in preference to his actual firstborn, the son of the wife he does not love.
 There are many areas in which Qur’an and the bible meet and this stems from  the fact that they’re both sent from one God and to convey one global message; the welfare of humanity

Presidents should start blogging too!

It is a brilliant idea,that I highly recommend for all world leaders ,kings and queens for several reasons,good reasons.
Genuine friendship
Blogging  is a golden opportunity to seize  to make new friends of diffrent fabric from the one you as a  president are used to.Friends  from all walks of life ,common people who will point out  to your flaws rather than coloring them with bright glitterring colours.The more sincere comments you write the more hearts you captivate.The more useful posts you publish,the more readers you win.Posts stand for your speeches,and  decisions ,while comments stand for your reactions towards  people’s criticism  of your policy.While bloggers are  the sincere counsellors.Blogging will teach you  to accept and deal with criticism .Some will follow you ,while others will block you or mark you as spam.
No more treasure hunting
Blogging is a new hobby that world leaders can take up.It’s cheap,accessible and most of all safer than playing the part of Ali Baba and  the 40 haramy ( thiefs) that some are hooked on . Not to mention the part of Casanova that  many love playing.
Besides people love writers,if  you fail to make them believe your credibility as a  politician, you can  win them over as a writer,then a ruler.
Practise makes perfect
 Practise makes perfect,then presidents don’t need to hire a speechwriter as blogging will teach them how to write their own speech by themselves,  a speech that will touch the listeners instead of  the stony ones we used to,ones that remind us of  the sound of  an old man ‘s heavy wobbling walking stick :monotonious ,repetitive  and  ,nerve -wrecking. Here ,a president can learn how to make  words come straight from his  heart to dwell in the heart of  his audience .I  recommend the use of a cheerful background too,because not  everyone is fond o f  faces . Audience need something warm than  that liveless face and that  forced smile that reminds you of George Orwell ‘s Big  Brother is watching you .
 After election most  presidents  suffer from low performance and  productivity.They don’t  work hard the way they did when preparing for their election compaign  due to the lack of rivals and competitors,and blogging  is the best way  to ignite that flame again because here allbloggers are competing with each other  to have the best blog, to win readres.
Bloggin is a free nation
Blogging is a free floor to exchange ideas without one fearing losing his neck and this policy should be extened to real life blogging too.Like  your posts ,your  legislations and decisions concerning the nation must be  open to discussion ,and instead of pulling a trigger to a head of a protesetor ,take your pen and edit them.
Tight shoes
Why don’t presidents  start blogging their  speeches instead   of delivering them  face to face.Imagine doing that while sipping  your icy  tea  ,playing your favorite music  ,far away  from  blindig camera  flashes,deafening shouts of reporters ,and a tight  pair shoes that keep you from concentration,that they have to repeat every question for you.The outcomes will be fruitful due to the lack of distraction ,and tense atmosphere.
Happy blogging 🙂

The more gentle a man…

The more gentle a man, and the better a man is brought up,the more lowly and courteously he behaved himself ,the more villian ,the more disdainful and fierce.Some times these vices come of dullness and lack of knowledge ,and for this cause ,good learning is called humanity.

If thou salute,and be not saluted back,ascribe it to negligence rather than contempt.If thou be spoken to unmannerly,attribute it to lack of good manners,or to nature,and not to malice or hatred.Be not so light as to be moved with the breath of a man’s mouth.

-from An Introduction to Wisdom,by Juan Luys Vives (1492-1540)

Professions of virtue

How one lives is so far distant from how one ought to live ,that he who neglects what is done for what ought to be done,sooner effects his ruin than his preservation; for a man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil.

-from The Prince, by Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)


Fusillading Innocence written by dev!l

He stared at the wall with a cold sigh, a thousand thoughts rushed to his minds as his feet got heavier and the air around him got denser. He looked around but found no sympathy in the eyes of the spectators. They were silent and seemed to stare right through him, like he didn’t even exist. There was no angry crowd or a media team ready to record his momentous words; it was nothing like in the movies he saw as a child. The room was dark and the only light was of a small window near the ceiling. He stared at the window to catch a glimpse of the sun that would set him free but it was in vain as he was pushed towards the stage. The clatter of the fetters was the only music he had heard in such a long time that he ignored the push and just smiled thinking, how there was a day when he wouldn’t have had given a damn to such a little pleasure of life.

There were a total of 7 people in the room other than him, he recognized none of them. From their uniforms some of them looked like high ranking officials but somehow it didn’t matter to him, not anymore. For now he knew that one day nothing would matter and they would all be equal 6 feet under. He was to die a nameless death but it didn’t matter anymore… “It was worth it”, he thought as he stood on the marked spot. His shackles were removed and set aside. As he caressed his aching wrists he heard one of them whisper something. “You know it’s rude to whisper in a” but he was silenced with a punch to the stomach before he could finish his sentence. He smiled how they still couldn’t hear the truth.

“Any last words or regrets?” he heard one of them ask in a sneerful voice

“Those who seek forgiveness for their sins have regrets. Those who are in the right have no regrets or sorrows, General. Today you pass your judgment on me; tomorrow God will pass judgment on you. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from this Earth we all come and to it we shall all return.”

“Still stuck on your ideals I see? Corporal…”

He stared at the first rays of dawn as a blindfold was placed around his eyes.


“Lieutenant Ray, you have been accused of mutiny and treason. You have been sentenced to be shot at sunrise by the Military court of…”

“Save me the speech…” He said as he closed his eyes beneath the blindfold and thought of his life.

The speaker however chose to ignore his taunt and carried on. After a few moments he stopped. Ray knew it was time for he could feel the warmth of the sun on the horizon,

“READYY!!!” He heard the shout


Ray smiled as he thought about his ideals, the revolution and pumped out his chest in arrogance.


Dozens of bullets passed through his body into the wall but he didn’t feel any pain… There was nothing but nirvana.